On Saturday, April 23rd we had the pleasure of shuttling 17 kayakers from the take out to the put in. While riding along the excitement level was high. These folks have waited a long time for this. Marc Musgrove sent us a couple of photos to share.  Remember that Slab Creek is only running for 3 weekends this year. If you have not booked your seat yet on the shuttle head over to https://colomashuttle.com/ice-house-slab-creek/  and book your seat. Don’t forget to smile you never know who is taking photos. Enjoy


Darrick dropping in. photo credit Marc Musgrove

Thomas M. dropping in.
photo credit Marc Musgrove

Kiwi in the thick of it. photo credit Marc Musgrove

Steve S. in the thick of it.
photo credit Marc Musgrove

Wow I cannot believe the response to our first weekend of shuttles for 2016. On Saturday we had two runs going a 9:00 Chili Bar with 4 riders & a 5:00 Skunk Hollow run with 9 riders. Then today we had a 9:00 Chili Bar with 8 riders.

Folks if you are looking for a certain shuttle but do not see it listed on the reservation or weekly schedule pages – contact me at 530-303-2404. As long as we have 4 paid riders we can put it on the schedule.

This is just a reminder that a FULL river run cost $15.00 per person & can be booked in advance by contacting us at the office and then booking your shuttle in one of the following ways.

  • 1- Book a same day morning Chili Bar run @ $10.00 per person getting on the shuttle in Coloma/Lotus area then booking an afternoon Skunk Hollow run @ $10.00 per person taking you back to the Coloma/Lotus area. Once confirmation of both payment are processes we will issue you a credit of $5.00 per person back to your credit card.
  • 2- A custom shuttle from Skunk to Chili Bar is available please contact the office for cost & minimum riders numbers on this option.

Now on another note. Slab Creek you are asking and we are working on it. Stay tuned for more info coming in the next week.

Thanks everyone for your support.


Folks we are back in service starting April 9th, 2016. We would like to thank the AQMD department for renewing our 2 year grant. What does this mean to you? Well, as long as we have riders wanting a ride we can shuttle you thru December 2017. Meaning no waiting to get back on the road for us next spring.

New this season we will have a second van & trailer running on the weekends and also available for midweek large groups. Thanks to you for all your support these past 3 years AQMD sees the value in our service and is welling to support us and our cause to reduce the carbon footprint in our little valley.

We are also looking at the Slab Creek & Icehouse runs this year. We are currently working with USFS, BLM, SMUD & AWA to figure out how to make our services an option for you our boaters. Stay tune as soon as we know we will let you all know. I promise!

Lastly, its been a nice long year off for me. And I am really looking forward to being back to work this summer coordinating the shuttle service. Thank you for your support both personal and business. I really appreciate all of you.



Hi Everyone,

First off, thanks to the rain/snow gods it is looking to be a great spring here on the South Fork of the American River and even a great summer. Keep it coming we can take it!!!

Secondly, thanks to AQMD & ElDorado County Board of Supervisors we have been awards a 2 year grant for 2016 & 2017.

We are currently working on our website and looking forward to starting up the season soon.

If you feel the need to contact me before this time please send and email to me as I am not working in the office as of yet.

Speaking of the office… The Coloma Shuttle this season will have an office located next to Hot Shots in the River Park Village. So you can stop by once we are open to say hello and book your shuttle with us. Just remember our shuttles do sell out on the weekends so pre-planning is always the best.

Well, I will see you soon on the shuttle, in the office or talk with you on the phone. Once again thanks to our great boating community for supporting us for the last three years. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.


We are awaiting word from AQMD about our 2016/2017 contract.  We will keep everyone posted about our operations and when we will be starting our shuttle services back up in 2016.  Thank you all for your continued support and the shuttle program has grown each year. We are hoping to obtain a second van and trailer this year which will add to our capacity and ability to shuttle even more users throughout the season.  We had many full shuttles each weekend and a 2nd van would be extremely helpful.

We are also looking at accommodating mountain bike riders and hikers from the lower Salmon Falls Trail and will be doing shuttles through the middle of the day for riders that request those shuttles.

Expanding our program to accommodate more users in a variety of manners meets our goals of taking more cars off the roads, and reducing the carbon emissions in our valley.  Thank you all for your help in doing this and for your continued support.

Have a great winter season and we look forward to seeing you again in 2016.  Hope for lots of snow so our spring boating season will be fun!

Heads Up… Our off season reservation procedures are much different than many of you are use to.

We require a 6 rider minimum per shuttle and use a wait list system before accepting payment for our shuttles. The best way to make sure your request reaches us is to email us https://colomashuttle.com/contact/ with the shuttle of your choice and how many people are in your group. Once we have enough riders for that shuttle we will send you an email notifying you that the shuttle is open for reservations and payment.

Or maybe you need to book a private shuttle we are still providing those services as well.

Give me a call if you have any questions



The Coloma Shuttle Welcomes Nikita Fox To The Crew.

Nikita recently obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Recreation Administration with an emphasis in Adventure Recreation and Tourism from Fresno State University. She is currently certified in Wilderness First Aid, Adult, Child and Infant CPR / AED and has a Class B driver’s license ( look for her driving the valley in the little white van.) In her spare time she enjoys White Water Rafting, Rock Climbing, and Cycling. Her favorite outdoor experiences are summers spent white water rafting, learning about the river, meeting awesome people, and having fun!

Nikita Rafting 11


On this day 83 years ago…

Historical Events in the Life of Amelia Earhart
1928-06-17 – Amelia Earhart leaves Newfoundland to become 1st woman
(passenger) to fly Atlantic (as a passenger in a plane piloted by Wilmer
1928-06-18 – American aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the 1st woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean landing at Burry Port, Wales
1932-05-20 – Amelia Earhart leaves Newfoundland 1st woman fly solo across Atlantic
1932-05-21 – 1st transatlantic solo flight by a woman (Amelia Earhart) lands in Ireland
1932-08-24 – 1st transcontinental non-stop flight by a woman, Amelia Earhart
1932-08-25 – Amelia Earhart completes transcontinental flight
1935-01-11 – Amelia Earhart flies from Honolulu to Oakland Ca (non-stop, of
1937-07-02 – Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan disappear over Pacific Ocean

Now if she had the choice to drive the shuttle do you think she would have?
Imagine the stories that she could tell all of us riders. I would pay double to be on that shuttle.

As summer is slowing down never fear cause we are still here. We plan on running the shuttles thru October 2015 on days with flows. To see what is predicted visit <http://dreamflows.com> dreamflows.com

Please be advised that SMUD & PG&E could decide due to the drought not to offer water past Labor Day so if you are planning a fall trip make sure you check out the info first.

To see our most up to date shuttles visit our weekly update page at <https://colomashuttle.com/weekly-update/>

To book your spot on our FANTASTIC shuttle with your personal driver Khrys please go to <https://colomashuttle.com/reservations/>

Just a reminder if you have not submitted your letter or customer satisfaction survey on our behalf for the next grant proposal, please do so by the end of August. Please address your letter to AQMD (air quality management department). You may submit 1 of 3 ways,

1- email to <mailto:colomashuttle@gmail.com> colomashuttle@gmail.com

2- from our contact page online please put in subject line GRANT PROPOSAL @ <https://colomashuttle.com/contact/> https://colomashuttle.com/contact/

3- mail it to our post office box Coloma Shuttle PO BOX 157, Coloma CA

These 25 fun facts you’re about to read sound totally false, but go ahead and check for yourself.

#1. Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.

#2. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.

#3. France was still executing people by guillotine when Star Wars: A New Hope hit theaters.

#4. Nintendo was originally a trading card company.

#5. If the sun were the size of a white blood cell then the Milky Way Galaxy would be the size of the United States.

#6. There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world.

#7. For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.

#8. The total weight of all those ants, however, is about the same as all the humans.

#9. On Jupiter and Saturn it rains diamonds.

#10. Ten percent of all the photos ever taken were taken in the last 12 months.

#11. Shakespeare made up the name “Jessica” for his play Merchant of Venice.

#12. Your chances of being killed by a vending machine are actually twice as large as your chance of being bitten by a shark.

#13. Nowhere in the Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg.

#14. Armadillos almost always give birth to quadruplets.

#15. Scotland’s national animal is the unicorn.

#16. There are more fake flamingos in the world than real ones.

#17. John Tyler, the 10th president of the US, was born in 1790. He has a grandson that is alive today.

#18. A strawberry is NOT a berry.

#19. A banana IS a berry.

#20. There is enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America in one foot of liquid.

#21. An octopus has three hearts.

#22. There are 10 times more bacteria in your body than actual body cells.

#23. There is only one country between North Korea and Norway.

#24. New York City is farther south than Rome, Italy #25. Maine is the closest US state to Africa.

#25 So what is interesting about the river shuttle service now in place.

#1. It is grant funded by AQMD (Air Quality Management District) of El Dorado County

#2. The River Store (Dan Crandell) started the shuttle service way back when
#3. In 2013 The Coloma Lotus Chamber of Commerce took over the shuttle service under its new name “The Coloma Shuttle” after not running in 2012

#4. Our mission is to reduce our carbon footprint in the Coloma Lotus Valley along with Chili Bar & Skunk Hollow


#6. Our employees are also boaters, travelers & adventures and have some great stories too.

#7. We appreciate your business



The Coloma Shuttle Crew

Betty Boop made her first appearance on August 9, 1930, in the cartoon Dizzy Dishes the sixth installment in Fleischer’s Talkartoon series. Although Clara Bow is often given as being the model for Boop, she actually began as a caricature of singer Helen Kane. The character was originally created as an anthropomorphic French poodle. Max Fleischer finalized Betty Boop as a human character in 1932. Betty Boop is regarded as one of the first and most famous sex symbols on the animated screen she is a symbol of the Depression era, and a reminder of the more carefree days of Jazz Age flappers. Her popularity was drawn largely from adult audiences, and the cartoons, while seemingly surreal, contained many sexual and psychological elements, particularly in the “Talkartoon,” Minnie the Moocher, featuring Cab Calloway and his orchestra. For Betty Boop her film career lasted 9 years from 1930-1939. The Betty Boop comic strip by Bud Counihan (assisted by Fleischer staffer Hal Seeger) was distributed by King Features Syndicate from 1934 to 1937. From 1984 to 1988, a revival strip with Felix the Cat, Betty Boop and Felix, was produced by Mort Walker’s sons Brian, Neal, Greg, and Morgan.

Betty Boop made a comeback in the mid 50’s, 70’s & 80’s. WOW the legend never dies!

Much like the Coloma Shuttle –

We are a legend in our own minds as too also with our loyal riders. We are here to serve our boating community now and for as long as we can. With your continued support we have moved 1,362 (this season so far) passengers up and down the South Fork of the American River.

In this our 3rd year of service we are still rolling strong. If you haven’t checked out our website lately – you should, we made some updates to our home page to answer some of the most common questions https://colomashuttle.com/

We are working on getting our second trailer & van for the next year. Did you know we are asking you our riders to help design what you think would be the ultimate trailer? One that can carry Kayaks, Rafts & Bikes. And who is best to give us some feedback but for you. For more information on this please visit

We will be working on submitting our next round of grant proposal to the Air Quality Management District for the next couple of years. As always we would love to include your comments in our proposal so please feel free to take the time to write a quick email, or send us a letter, or go to our contact page and submit your comment there
https://colomashuttle.com/contact/ under the subject line please put “For
2016 grant proposal”.

To check out our up to the moment open shuttles visit

To book your seat you can do this here

As always we are ready to take your call at 530-303-2404 or answer your email at  colomashuttle@gmail.com

Please keep in mind, if you wait till the end of the week to book your seat the shuttle you wish you could get on might be sold out. So book early to guarantee your spot on the shuttle.

As always have a great day on the water and we appreciate YOU ALL.
The “CSC” Coloma Shuttle Crew

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