The staff here at the Coloma Shuttle want to wish you all a very Happy and Safe Holiday season.

2018 was a fantastic year for us and it is all because of you our loyal riders. We couldn’t ask for a better group of folks to work for. So THANK YOU for making it a success.

Whats new for 2019 you ask? The shuttle is currently in the process of getting a 3rd van and we are also looking for a trailer. So if you know of any trailers out there that you think will suit our service please shoot me an email or a call.

So that our staff can enjoy this holiday season with friends and family we will be closed for business the last two weeks of December from the 15th to January 2nd, 2019. We hope to resume service the first weekend in January weather and ridership permitted.

Snow or icy roads will cancel the shuttle as usual. So keep your eyes on the weather for Placerville. If the temperatures are expected to be below 35 then the Chili Bar shuttle will NOT run as 193 has several areas of black ice. No need to go there on those cold morning.

As per our standard off season requirements we will need a minimum of 4+ paid riders to put the shuttle on the road. If you are willing to guarantee the shuttle when making your rsvp just put that in the notes at the bottom.

Happy Holidays

Liz, Josh and Jen

Sometimes I wonder if you all know how much we appreciate your business?

I know that I say thanks to you when we are talking wether it be in person, on the phone, in an email or even in a text message. Well I am here to say THANK YOU AGAIN.

It amazes me the passion and love each of you have for the river and our little valley.

Our goal this season was 4500 riders we are currently around 42-4300. I think we might be close to 4400 by early December. And all this would not be possible without you our riders.

So thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts for keeping us on the road. Together we can all make a difference.

Have you ever floated the C-G section in low water? Do you need a reason to? Well here it is.

On Wednesday, August 22 come on out and join forces with the River Patrol and the American River Conversancy to help clean up this section of river. This is our last river clean up for 2018. Meet at HLP at 2:00 groups will be divided up into pods and assigned to one of three sections.

The Coloma Shuttle will be providing shuttle service for certain sections. After the clean up the crews will meet back at HLP for a pot luck BBQ. This is a family friendly event. So come on out and do a little community service.

Hope to see you there.

Lately we have had a lot of calls from riders who booked on either our 8, 9 or 10 Chili Bar wondering where the shuttle is at that exact time. Our shuttles start from our base on the hour and start their route in the valley. We depart Henningsen Lotus Park (HLP) on the :15 and Marshall Gold on the :30 see below or check out our Schedule page for all our departure times. As always if you have questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at 530-303-2404 thats what I am here for. Thanks for using the shuttle and have a wonderful day. Liz

Weekend Shuttle Schedule

8:00 Chili Bar – Saturday and Sundays

  • 8:00am   Departure from Camp Lotus – lower parking lot
  • 8:15am   Departure from Henningsen Lotus Park
  • 8:30am   Departure from Marshall Gold Discovery Park
  • 9:00am   Arrival at Chili Bar

10:00 Chili Bar – Saturday and Sundays

  • 10:15am  Departure from Henningsen Lotus Park
  • 10:30am  Departure from Marshall Gold Discovery Park
  • 11:00am  Arrival at Chili Bar

12:30 Gorge (Skunk Hollow) Saturday and Sunday

  • 12:30pm  Departure from Skunk Hollow
  • 12:55pm  Departure from Greenwood Creek
  • 1:00pm   Arrival to the Coloma Lotus area

4:30 Gorge (Skunk Hollow) Saturday and Sunday 

  • 4:30pm  Departure from Skunk Hollow
  • 4:55pm  Departure from Greenwood Creek
  • 5:00pm  Arrival to the Coloma Lotus area

Sit back relax and enjoy your ride on the Coloma Shuttle. For $10.00 per person we take you and your gear to or from your the river. Staying at one of the campgrounds? Call us we can arrange to pick you up. No need to move your car.

Running C-G (Coloma to Greenwood) or areas in between? We’ve got that covered to. Check us out, give us a call lets get you on the river.


You are out on the river enjoying the beautiful river valley and all of sudden you realize you are not going to make your shuttle departure time.

What to do, What to do?

When you schedule a shuttle you schedule a specific time for your pick up. We ask that you arrive at least 10 minutes before your departure time to help keep the shuttle on time. Lately we are experiencing a high number of extremely late riders on our Gorge shuttles causing departure issues. When riders show up late we cannot promise that there will be a shuttle waiting for you. Sometimes we can accommodate late rider but lots of times we cannot due to other shuttles scheduled out behind you. 

So as a courtesy to all of our shuttles riders we are reminding you of our policy. 

1- Please arrive at the take out 10 minutes early 

2- Be ready to help load the gear so that our shuttle can stay on schedule for the remainder of the day 

3- If you miss your shuttle due to being late no refunds or credits will be issued and you will be responsible for your own ride

Remember staying on schedule is important to maintain a smooth shuttle service that everyone can count on. 

Thank you for your understanding on this, we appreciate your business.

You can see all of our shuttle policies HERE

Our new and improved site is almost here. And new look and feel. We hope you like it as much as we do.

This is just a heads up folks we are planning on a website update on Tuesday 6/12 from 7:00pm to 6:00am on Wednesday.

On the new site you will be able to create yourself a customer account for quicker check outs.

Book more then 1 days worth of shuttles in a single transaction.

Crossing my fingers on this one but our Full River option should be more streamlined with no need to call me for your credit.

So if you are trying to book a reservation during these hours you won’t be able to. Please try again Wednesday afternoon 6/13 and if you are still experiencing issues please give me call. Sorry for any inconvenience and your patience on this update.

And as usual you can call me at 530-303-2404 if you have any questions or issues.


Right here on the South Fork of the American we have a nice little class II section called C to G or Coloma to Greenwood.

On any given day you can find whitewater enthusiast out playing, practicing their rolls, eddy catching techniques and wet exits. We also have tubers who like to run this section. It is approximately 5.5 miles with access starting at Marshall Gold Discovery Parks North Beach parking lot and stopping at Greenwood Creek River Access (BLM). On the weekend Greenwood Creek parking lot can fill up rather fast. So what is a boater to do? Well the answer is simple book your seat on the Coloma Shuttle we offer two pickup times from Greenwood back to the Coloma area. Our mid-day shuttle is our most popular shuttle for this run and is perfect for those who get a parking spot at greenwood as the shuttle departs the parking at 12:50pm. This way you are parking your car at the take-out and boating down to your car at the end of your day. Our other shuttle option is our 4:50pm departure from Greenwood back to the Coloma area. With this option you are parking in the Coloma area and catching the shuttle at the end of your day. Cost is $10.00 per person for you & your gear on either of these shuttles. Please remember that the shuttle does run on a schedule and you must be at your pick up location 10 minutes early to help keep the shuttle on schedule.

To book a seat for either of these shuttles you would select the Gorge run with the closest time to your desired pick up for example you want be on our 12:50 shuttle you would choose Gorge @ 12:30 then you would select Greenwood Creek PICKUP for your pick up location. And then finish processing your reservation.

The Coloma Shuttle does sell out on weekends and advance reservations are highly suggested. We do not hold seats for walk-on, however if seats are available you may purchase one at the stop.

Have more questions about these options? Give us a call Thursday – Sunday 9-5 at 530-303-2404 and we would be happy to help you out.

With Summer fast approaching just wanted to put this info out there. Our 2018 summer schedule is up online at

We had a good winter and we will be getting water 6 days a week through Labor Day. To see the release schedule visit

Hopefully in the next couple of days our new website will launch with some new updates. You will be able to book several days in one transaction. Book your full river shuttle and only be charged 15.00 from the get go. Create a user account with your own password so you can have your info stored for future transactions and so much more.

Just so you know we already have several shuttles sold out now thru October. If you are planning a trip and want to use the shuttle I suggest you book your seat early. As the year go on it is harder and harder for us to get you on the shuttle last minute on the weekends. So don’t delay book your seats today.

Thanks everyone for keeping us on the road. We appreciate your business and look forward to shuttling you this summer.

Liz, Josh & Jen


Most moms are pretty great, so great in fact that in the early 20th century a woman called Anna Jarvis campaigned tirelessly to recognize them on a national scale–a decision Jarvis would later come to regret culminating in her more or less dedicating her life and life’s savings to destroy the Frankenstein’s monster of a holiday the greeting card industry molded her creation into.

First celebrated on May 10, 1908, the first official Mother’s Day was a somewhat sombre affair marked by a touching speech given by the aforementioned Anna Jarvis in memory of her late mother, social activist Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis, who’d passed away some 3 years earlier. The approximately 70 minute speech, which was delivered in the auditorium of the Wanamaker’s department store in Philadelphia to a reported crowd of about 5,000 people, was by all accounts profoundly moving and resonated deeply with the audience in attendance.

Read the rest of the story.

Now if you are looking to ride the shuttle head on over to our reservation page to book your seats. Thanks everyone for your continued support.

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